serbian mafia in Chinese
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- mafia
- 短语和例子 Mafia, Maffia n. 〔意大利语〕 1.〔m-〕 (西西里的)民众对法律和政府的敌视;反政府秘密组织。 2.(意大利,美国等的)反社会黑帮,黑手党。
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- serbian
- adj. , n. =Serb.
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- arizona mafia
- 亚利桑那黑手党
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- birmingham mafia
- 还包括那些被称作“伯明翰帮”
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- mafia chan
- 马菲亚海峡
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- mafia island
- 马菲亚岛市; 马费亚岛
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What is the meaning of serbian mafia in Chinese and how to say serbian mafia in Chinese? serbian mafia Chinese meaning, serbian mafia的中文,serbian mafia的中文,serbian mafia的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by